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I'm Steve Mahoney.
Product and people leader.

With over 17 years of experience in networking, data infrastructure, and data analytics, I've developed a healthy obsession for analytics, visualization, story-telling, and building platform-driven businesses. I've had the privilege of holding many hats throughout my career, including being a founding engineer, a GM leading an aquisition, the head of product, and a people leader and mentor.

I'm energized by the people around me and find great satisfaction in coaching and cultivating the best environments for people to flourish. I create and gravitate towards diverse and engaging cultures as I find great people make solving the hard problems ( the right problems ) not just easier, but fun.

I love connecting on advising early stage founders, market and technology trends, or providing an outlet to chat about products you love-to-hate or hate-to-love! Depending on the timing, I'm also open to exploring new opportunities. Most of all, I enjoy growing, nurturing, and sharing my network.

You can find me on LinkedIn or drop me a note below.

Some highlights I'm proud of.

This section is still in progress. Check back soon for a series of personal highlights. In the meantime, please feel free to check out my resumé.

Effortless synthetic data generation.

I created datamkr in response to years of frustration I observed and experienced while building data products. In the early stages of development, my teams and I were constantly (re)building tools or standing up cumbersome solutions to generate synethetic data. This data was critical to enabling our design and engineering teams to build truly representative mocks, "flow water through the pipes" of the various product layers, and test for known edge cases.

datamkr allows users to draw and shape synthetic data through an incredibly simple and intuitive user experience. The data generated can be immediately exported into a variety of common visualization libraries as well as imported directly into design tools such as Figma (a dedicated Figma plugin is in development).

Give datamakr a try using the hosted webapp or connect with me below for feedback, feature requests, and other inquiries. I'm working on an anonymous feedback method, but in the short term feel free to use a fake email address or let me know you don't want to be contacted.

coming soon

Let's chat.

Let me know the best way to reach you below. I usually respond within a day or so.